items: e281cb63dbe1db7fae18e82b789567cddd4d957e
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hash | item | category_id | date | member_id | person_id | sort_order | record_id |
e281cb63dbe1db7fae18e82b789567cddd4d957e | 27 February-7 March 2000,to Japan, to meet with representatives of various Japanese political parties, Government representatives, trade unionists and industrialists and business representatives, as an introduction to Japan and part of an effort to build stronger links between British and Japanese parliamentarians. The Japanese Government paid all costs for flights, accommodation, internal travel and food. (Registered 5 April 2000) | 80ef1083 | 2001-05-14 | | | 0 | 2001-05-14-80ef1083-10377-0 |