items: 898d6b8eb63f5171f521f5d9988e6cb6097298da
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hash | item | category_id | date | member_id | person_id | sort_order | record_id |
898d6b8eb63f5171f521f5d9988e6cb6097298da | 24-26 August 2004, to Stavanger, Norway to visit Offshore Northern (ONS) conference and exhibition, with the British Offshore Oil and Gas All-Party Parliamentary Group. Flights, accommodation, transport and hospitality sponsored by UK Offshore Operators Association (UKOOA), Statoil and Chevron Texaco. (Registered 22 November 2004) | 84642823 | 2005-04-11 | | | 0 | 2005-04-11-84642823-11059-0 |