{"hash": "3499c8950c430cf86a89977654bd5a45e6b598e1", "item": "Name of donor: (1) Lockheed Martin UK Ltd (2) CAE U.K. Plc\nAddress of donor: (1) Cunard House, 15 Lower Regent Street, London SW1Y 4LR (2) Innovation Drive, Burgess Hill RH15 9TW\nEstimate of the probable value (or amount of any donation): (1) domestic transport and meals for me and a member of staff to the value of \u00a3264 (2) domestic transport and meals for me and a member of staff to the value of \u00a3264\nDestination of visit: Bosnia and Herzegovina\nDates of visit: 28 September - 1 October 2021\nPurpose of visit: Parliamentary delegation with the All Party Parliamentary Group for the Armed Forces to meet current politicians from Bosnia and Herzegovina and to learn about the Bosnian War.\n(Registered 02 November 2021)", "category_id": {"value": "891eb863", "label": "Visits outside the UK"}, "date": "2022-08-08", "member_id": "", "person_id": {"value": "uk.org.publicwhip/person/24945", "label": "Bob Blackman"}, "sort_order": 0, "record_id": "2022-08-08-891eb863-24945-0"} {"hash": "aefdf3f5d71f09032c3f8c2700328b019dece385", "item": "Name of donor: Milli Majlis (National Assembly)\nAddress of donor: Parliament Avenue, 1, Republic of Azerbaijan, Baku City, AZ1152\nEstimate of the probable value (or amount of any donation): For me and a member of staff, flights, accommodation, meals and transport, total value \u00a32,006\nDestination of visit: Baku, Azerbaijan\nDates of visit: 9-13 November 2021\nPurpose of visit: As Chairman of the APPG for Azerbaijan, I took a delegation to meet political and parliamentary figures, President Ilham Aliyev, HM Ambassador and business representatives, and visit lands affected by the conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh.\n(Registered 24 November 2021)", "category_id": {"value": "891eb863", "label": "Visits outside the UK"}, "date": "2022-08-08", "member_id": "", "person_id": {"value": "uk.org.publicwhip/person/24945", "label": "Bob Blackman"}, "sort_order": 1, "record_id": "2022-08-08-891eb863-24945-0"}