{"hash": "88ce3b8a85c4886ce9fec65e6a15c9e1fd646876", "item": "Name of donor: The Walbrook Club\nAddress of donor: 37a Walbrook, London EC4N 8BS\nAmount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: Honorary membership for one year, value \u00a31,500\nDate received: 26 August 2020 \u2013 26 August 2021\nDate accepted: 26 August 2020\nDonor status: company, registration 03578810\n(Registered 01 October 2020)", "category_id": {"value": "64e8edeb", "label": "Gifts, benefits and hospitality from UK sources"}, "date": "2020-12-07", "member_id": "", "person_id": {"value": "uk.org.publicwhip/person/10062", "label": "Graham Brady"}, "sort_order": 0, "record_id": "2020-12-07-64e8edeb-10062-0"}