{"hash": "b985ed665d9885d80efcdad5c0b44d9cd779ef0b", "item": "Name of donor: (1) Hajj Baba Ltd; (2) National Assembly of Pakistan\nAddress of donor: (1) 41 Alexandra Road, Hounslow TW3 4HW; (2) Parliament House, Constitution Avenue, D-Chowk Red Zone, Islamabad, Pakistan\nEstimate of the probable value (or amount of any donation): (1) Flights with a value of \u00a31,510; (2) accommodation with an approx. value of \u00a3990\nDestination of visit: Pakistan\nDates of visit: 24 August \u2013 1 September 2019\nPurpose of visit: Discussions with Ministers and Parliamentarians, including of recent developments in Indian-administered Kashmir.\n(Registered 07 October 2019)", "category_id": {"value": "891eb863", "label": "Visits outside the UK"}, "date": "2020-07-20", "member_id": "", "person_id": {"value": "uk.org.publicwhip/person/11087", "label": "Khalid Mahmood"}, "sort_order": 0, "record_id": "2020-07-20-891eb863-11087-0"}