{"hash": "1a2778917b49eee1fde58c0f6b16c2c2172ff98e", "item": "Name of donor: Hans-Georg Tillman\nAddress of donor: private\nAmount of donation, or nature and value if donation in kind: First edition of a book, value \u00a37,000, which I have donated to a museum.\nDate received: 3 January 2018\nDate accepted: 3 January 2018\nDonor status: individual\n(Registered 17 January 2018)", "category_id": {"value": "f0bc685c", "label": "Gifts and benefits from sources outside the UK"}, "date": "2018-04-16", "member_id": "", "person_id": {"value": "uk.org.publicwhip/person/10133", "label": "Jeremy Corbyn"}, "sort_order": 0, "record_id": "2018-04-16-f0bc685c-10133-0"}