hash,item,category_id,date,member_id,person_id,sort_order,record_id 82f36a8b531c31bd79f616408c789cdc1fad94ae,"Payments received via United Agents, Lexington House, 12-26 Lexington St, Soho, London W1F 0LE:",10057ffd,2023-05-30,,uk.org.publicwhip/person/25364,0,2023-05-30-10057ffd-25364-0 0fe65a333016c9c67a8d09c287833fbfe5b64164,"23 April 2021, received £16,572.06 from Simon and Schuster UK Ltd, 1st Floor, 222 Gray's Inn Road, London WC1X 8HB, as second payment for writing a book. Hours: approx. 100 hrs between August 2020 and January 2021. (Registered 28 June 2021) This is a late entry to which the rectification procedure was applied on 23 May 2022. Paragraph 15 of chapter 4 of the Guide to the Rules refers.",10057ffd,2023-05-30,,uk.org.publicwhip/person/25364,1,2023-05-30-10057ffd-25364-0 76748f2b45497f29fc615f10f4adad44c49a1f7a,"30 July 2021, received £11,425 from Simon and Schuster UK Ltd, 1st Floor, 222 Gray's Inn Road, London WC1X 8HB, as third payment for writing a book. Hours: no additional hours. (Registered 31 August 2021) This is a late entry to which the rectification procedure was applied on 23 May 2022. Paragraph 15 of chapter 4 of the Guide to the Rules refers.",10057ffd,2023-05-30,,uk.org.publicwhip/person/25364,2,2023-05-30-10057ffd-25364-0 3e79df2bd701a6f954ed127dfdef9d7971427dcd,"8 December 2021, received £615 from Hoxton Minipress, 10 Coldbath Square, London EC1R 5HL, for writing an introduction to a book. Hours: 2 hrs. (Registered 10 December 2021) This is a late entry to which the rectification procedure was applied on 23 May 2022. Paragraph 15 of chapter 4 of the Guide to the Rules refers.",10057ffd,2023-05-30,,uk.org.publicwhip/person/25364,3,2023-05-30-10057ffd-25364-0 6c7d8fd2a7aa67e5743e35ab3c9f68e52ec1da42,"6 April 2022, received £372.47 from Octopus Publishing, Carmelite House, 50 Victoria Embankment, London EC4Y 0DZ, as royalties for a book. Hours: no additional hours. (Registered 07 April 2022)",10057ffd,2023-05-30,,uk.org.publicwhip/person/25364,4,2023-05-30-10057ffd-25364-0 16c67331337388ddbf461dff2169a072e4964255,"22 April 2022, received £12,300 from Simon and Schuster UK Ltd, 1st Floor, 222 Gray's Inn Road, London WC1X 8HB, as fourth payment for writing a book on publication of paperback. Hours: no additional hours. (Registered 26 April 2022)",10057ffd,2023-05-30,,uk.org.publicwhip/person/25364,5,2023-05-30-10057ffd-25364-0 09efa0c01cca25a070648492009f0423212c6151,"6 June 2022, received £2,652 from Audio Always, MediaCityUK, Tomorrow, Broadway, Manchester, Salford M50 2AB, for the recording of a weekly podcast over fifteen weeks. Hours: 15 hrs. (Registered 06 June 2022)",10057ffd,2023-05-30,,uk.org.publicwhip/person/25364,6,2023-05-30-10057ffd-25364-0 8d70b78fdc2030cf19558dd224d973638fd5a1e8,"5 August 2022, received £2,460 from Two Four Broadcast, the Westworks, 195 Wood Lane, London W12 7FQ, for appearing on a television programme. The programme has not yet been broadcast. Hours: 8 hrs. (Registered 25 August 2022)",10057ffd,2023-05-30,,uk.org.publicwhip/person/25364,7,2023-05-30-10057ffd-25364-0 e9a701795fdf933fd212bdda69eb2bdb96fb258c,"17 August 2022, received £2,975 from RDF Broadcast, Shepherds Building Centre, Charecroft Way, London W14 0EE, or appearing on a television programme. The programme has not yet been broadcast. Hours: 4 hrs. (Registered 25 August 2022)",10057ffd,2023-05-30,,uk.org.publicwhip/person/25364,8,2023-05-30-10057ffd-25364-0 af0e2ada7e5cb6df1c844acc3f53cfc56d98c43b,"31 August 2022, received £1,312 from Plantpot Ltd, Old Bank House, Beaufort Street, Crickhowell NP8 1AD, for speaking at the Greenman Festival. Hours: 2 hrs. (Registered 01 September 2022)",10057ffd,2023-05-30,,uk.org.publicwhip/person/25364,9,2023-05-30-10057ffd-25364-0 9433b8a7fe71898937d11ee809c63f63357fe4e8,"16 September 2022, received £2,642 from Audio Always, MediaCityUK, Broadway, Manchester, Salford M50 2AB, for signing new contract for recording of a weekly podcast. Hours: no additional hours. (Registered 10 October 2022)",10057ffd,2023-05-30,,uk.org.publicwhip/person/25364,10,2023-05-30-10057ffd-25364-0 2c738184857155e0532717b01412f748016a1485,"14 October 2022, received £350.57 from Octopus Publishing Ltd, Carmelite House, 50 Victoria Embankment, London EC4Y 0DZ, as royalties from a book. Hours: no additional hours. (Registered 08 November 2022)",10057ffd,2023-05-30,,uk.org.publicwhip/person/25364,11,2023-05-30-10057ffd-25364-0 1542f7b13ad36447e532403278de6f1d8efcfbe8,"26 October 2022, received £5,000 from Hat Trick Productions, 33 Oval Rd, London NW1 7EA, for being a guest on Have I Got News for You. Hours: 5 hrs. (Registered 08 November 2022)",10057ffd,2023-05-30,,uk.org.publicwhip/person/25364,12,2023-05-30-10057ffd-25364-0 5a55ac5425902f8a3d33558e542a34b75bdb856e,"16 February 2023, received £2,624 from Audio Always, MediaCityUK, Tomorrow, Broadway, Manchester, Salford M50 2AB, for the recording of a weekly podcast over fifteen weeks. Hours: 15 hrs. (Registered 03 March 2023)",10057ffd,2023-05-30,,uk.org.publicwhip/person/25364,13,2023-05-30-10057ffd-25364-0 c5748ca73d361704e8b8494bc3cd6accb603b8b2,"22 February 2023, received £2,952 from Audio Always, MediaCityUK, Tomorrow, Broadway, Manchester, Salford M50 2AB, for signing new contract to record of a weekly podcast at one hour per week. Hours: none to date. (Registered 03 March 2023)",10057ffd,2023-05-30,,uk.org.publicwhip/person/25364,14,2023-05-30-10057ffd-25364-0 584d44dcef864c2c2c500732f420dbe00621881d,"31 March 2023, received £227.85 from Simon and Schuster UK Ltd, 1st Floor, 222 Gray's Inn Road, London WC1X 8HB, as royalties from a book. Hours: no additional hours. (Registered 24 April 2023)",10057ffd,2023-05-30,,uk.org.publicwhip/person/25364,15,2023-05-30-10057ffd-25364-0 ad7b833def235d488fedc27f3905a54d21e1ffe4,"From 27 March 2020 until 31 March 2023, weekly column for Independent Digital, 2 Derry Street, London W8 5HF. (Registered 16 February 2021; updated 14 March 2023)",10057ffd,2023-05-30,,uk.org.publicwhip/person/25364,16,2023-05-30-10057ffd-25364-0 2a731ae6993fda0422e2a5ee379766ce018053d5,"8 December 2020, received £3,080 for eleven columns. Hours: 11 hrs. (Registered 16 February 2021) This is a late entry to which the rectification procedure was applied on 23 May 2022. Paragraph 15 of chapter 4 of the Guide to the Rules refers.",10057ffd,2023-05-30,,uk.org.publicwhip/person/25364,17,2023-05-30-10057ffd-25364-0 6450022551d965899305eedc04657705185cb5e4,"23 December 2020, received £5,600 for twenty columns. Hours: 20 hrs. (Registered 16 February 2021) This is a late entry to which the rectification procedure was applied on 23 May 2022. Paragraph 15 of chapter 4 of the Guide to the Rules refers.",10057ffd,2023-05-30,,uk.org.publicwhip/person/25364,18,2023-05-30-10057ffd-25364-0 40dabe07ceb03f6abf61f0f8a48cb84bddf23139,"15 February 2021, received £560 for two columns. Hours: 2 hrs. (Registered 25 June 2021) This is a late entry to which the rectification procedure was applied on 23 May 2022. Paragraph 15 of chapter 4 of the Guide to the Rules refers.",10057ffd,2023-05-30,,uk.org.publicwhip/person/25364,19,2023-05-30-10057ffd-25364-0 c10653ecee7f352236cbcdc3dd29a919cf46707d,"1 March 2021, received £560 for two columns. Hours: 2 hrs. (Registered 25 June 2021) This is a late entry to which the rectification procedure was applied on 23 May 2022. Paragraph 15 of chapter 4 of the Guide to the Rules refers.",10057ffd,2023-05-30,,uk.org.publicwhip/person/25364,20,2023-05-30-10057ffd-25364-0 1bc2c3f5b3557593c27491c7c5d2e9f548023c45,"16 March 2021, received £560 for two columns. Hours: 2 hrs. (Registered 25 June 2021) This is a late entry to which the rectification procedure was applied on 23 May 2022. Paragraph 15 of chapter 4 of the Guide to the Rules refers.",10057ffd,2023-05-30,,uk.org.publicwhip/person/25364,21,2023-05-30-10057ffd-25364-0 6cd4011ad9aea34ec5efc037d582704bbab6275d,"10 May 2021, received £1,120 for four columns. Hours: 4 hrs. (Registered 25 June 2021) This is a late entry to which the rectification procedure was applied on 23 May 2022. Paragraph 15 of chapter 4 of the Guide to the Rules refers.",10057ffd,2023-05-30,,uk.org.publicwhip/person/25364,22,2023-05-30-10057ffd-25364-0 3e791a2be1f039c370e23263dffd11f9c058afb3,"19 July 2021, received £840 for three columns. Hours: 3 hrs. (Registered 31 August 2021) This is a late entry to which the rectification procedure was applied on 23 May 2022. Paragraph 15 of chapter 4 of the Guide to the Rules refers.",10057ffd,2023-05-30,,uk.org.publicwhip/person/25364,23,2023-05-30-10057ffd-25364-0 24affb0b38b2a85eeacdbf99cc4964adf56c62f4,"3 August 2021, received £280 for a column. Hours: 1 hr. (Registered 31 August 2021) This is a late entry to which the rectification procedure was applied on 23 May 2022. Paragraph 15 of chapter 4 of the Guide to the Rules refers.",10057ffd,2023-05-30,,uk.org.publicwhip/person/25364,24,2023-05-30-10057ffd-25364-0 471edebe0cb906b61fc6440409ca3a547d9f05ab,"13 August 2021, received £560 for two columns. Hours: 2 hrs. (Registered 31 August 2021) This is a late entry to which the rectification procedure was applied on 23 May 2022. Paragraph 15 of chapter 4 of the Guide to the Rules refers.",10057ffd,2023-05-30,,uk.org.publicwhip/person/25364,25,2023-05-30-10057ffd-25364-0 b04610cc8eb553e1770534ec516a7fb1af7f8876,"16 September 2021, received £280 for a column. Hours: 1 hr. (Registered 08 November 2021) This is a late entry to which the rectification procedure was applied on 23 May 2022. Paragraph 15 of chapter 4 of the Guide to the Rules refers.",10057ffd,2023-05-30,,uk.org.publicwhip/person/25364,26,2023-05-30-10057ffd-25364-0 59b471edc8c4ed69217aad8f8313cb78b2d5a72b,"28 September 2021, received £280 for a column. Hours: 1 hr. (Registered 08 November 2021) This is a late entry to which the rectification procedure was applied on 23 May 2022. Paragraph 15 of chapter 4 of the Guide to the Rules refers.",10057ffd,2023-05-30,,uk.org.publicwhip/person/25364,27,2023-05-30-10057ffd-25364-0 546aa05450d365280fc1938b50a5215a1ae2de64,"23 March 2023, received final payment of £2,240 for eight columns in January and February. Hours: 8 hrs. (Registered 27 March 2023)",10057ffd,2023-05-30,,uk.org.publicwhip/person/25364,28,2023-05-30-10057ffd-25364-0 77fa89856afec6b11da8600c836f7248619a1bd7,"9 March 2021, received £360 from the Telegraph, 111 Buckingham Palace Road, London SW1W 0DT, for writing an article. Hours: 1 hr. (Registered 10 May 2021) This is a late entry to which the rectification procedure was applied on 23 May 2022. Paragraph 15 of chapter 4 of the Guide to the Rules refers.",10057ffd,2023-05-30,,uk.org.publicwhip/person/25364,29,2023-05-30-10057ffd-25364-0 ee14b16d7bfb7d5ee2f12d72b284b4fc09d86fe8,"29 July 2021, received £1,500 from HSBC, 1 Centenary Square, Birmingham B1 1HQ, for speaking at an event. Hours: 1 hr. (Registered 31 August 2021) This is a late entry to which the rectification procedure was applied on 23 May 2022. Paragraph 15 of chapter 4 of the Guide to the Rules refers.",10057ffd,2023-05-30,,uk.org.publicwhip/person/25364,30,2023-05-30-10057ffd-25364-0 7ffc31673512a3c7f89a8a5bead44178ed5a589e,"Payments from the New Statesman, Standard House, 12-13 Essex Street, London WC2R 3AA:",10057ffd,2023-05-30,,uk.org.publicwhip/person/25364,31,2023-05-30-10057ffd-25364-0 266d71e18394be0f4e796b7dfcc641a42c7465b0,Payment of £400 expected for an article written on 25 May 2022. Hours: 1 hr. (Registered 09 June 2022),10057ffd,2023-05-30,,uk.org.publicwhip/person/25364,32,2023-05-30-10057ffd-25364-0 5ccfb706be1876d20b2b46aae960c5a075f66515,"Payments from Hat Trick Productions, 33 Oval Rd, London NW1 7EA:",10057ffd,2023-05-30,,uk.org.publicwhip/person/25364,33,2023-05-30-10057ffd-25364-0 4db9d5a89ab045a5921d6adf0c61f28b9f3fa523,"23 December 2021, received £15,000 for presenting Have I Got News for You. Hours: 12 hrs. (Registered 20 January 2022) This is a late entry to which the rectification procedure was applied on 23 May 2022. Paragraph 15 of chapter 4 of the Guide to the Rules refers.",10057ffd,2023-05-30,,uk.org.publicwhip/person/25364,34,2023-05-30-10057ffd-25364-0 0abb10968fb084235c5f3c5dce30f4cc19545048,"24 May 2019, received £1,500 for being a panellist on Have I Got News for You. Hours: 5 hrs. (Registered 23 May 2022) This is a late entry to which the rectification procedure was applied on 23 May 2022. Paragraph 15 of chapter 4 of the Guide to the Rules refers.",10057ffd,2023-05-30,,uk.org.publicwhip/person/25364,35,2023-05-30-10057ffd-25364-0 728c3c236886102f374fded20058eba5538ddc85,"17 June 2022, received £5,000 for being a panellist on Have I Got News for You on 19 May 2022. Hours: 5 hrs. (Registered 08 June 2022; updated 29 June 2022)",10057ffd,2023-05-30,,uk.org.publicwhip/person/25364,36,2023-05-30-10057ffd-25364-0 89b27281afe6c118a60cf9384375f098d9e19b0c,"3 May 2022, received £1,000 from Bournemouth University, Fern Barrow, Poole BH12 5BB, for undertaking a lecture. Hours: 2 hrs. (Registered 03 May 2022)",10057ffd,2023-05-30,,uk.org.publicwhip/person/25364,37,2023-05-30-10057ffd-25364-0 bb9c083bf011ea9d56c19678f0c6b309be4650f3,"Payment of £150 expected from the Charleston Festival, Charleston Firle, West Firle Lewes BN8 6LL, for a speech at a literary festival on 22 May 2022. Hours: 1 hr. (Registered 08 June 2022)",10057ffd,2023-05-30,,uk.org.publicwhip/person/25364,38,2023-05-30-10057ffd-25364-0 38cacea5cb8606b700240d79bdde5245afa2e49c,"Payment of £200 expected from the Hay Festival of Literature & the Arts, the Drill Hall, 25 Lion Street, Hay-on-Wye HR3 5AD, for a speech at the Hay Festival on 31 May 2022. Hours: 1 hr. (Registered 08 June 2022)",10057ffd,2023-05-30,,uk.org.publicwhip/person/25364,39,2023-05-30-10057ffd-25364-0 f9b34d7495822faffca6ad3b077ebc8b26956972,"9 September 2022, received £3,000 from Open Mike Productions, Hammer House, 113-117 Wardour St, London W1F 0UN, for appearing on the Last Leg TV show. Hours: 3 hrs. (Registered 12 September 2022)",10057ffd,2023-05-30,,uk.org.publicwhip/person/25364,40,2023-05-30-10057ffd-25364-0 277c80d1e17d115668b1aba5b45abd21b5849950,"7 October 2022, received £250 from Emma Bridgewater Festival in a Factory, Lichfield Street, Hanley, Stoke-on-Trent ST1 3EJ, for participating in a talk. Hours: 1 hr. (Registered 02 November 2022)",10057ffd,2023-05-30,,uk.org.publicwhip/person/25364,41,2023-05-30-10057ffd-25364-0 c14066f0f39da41023fece8b528f85b999c9319b,"6 October 2022, received £1,000 from University of Bristol, Beacon House, Queens Road, Bristol BS8 1QU, for delivering a lecture. Hours: 2 hrs. (Registered 04 November 2022)",10057ffd,2023-05-30,,uk.org.publicwhip/person/25364,42,2023-05-30-10057ffd-25364-0 960eb07f9bdaedfad2b0a9ba073c016c16c3d999,"31 October 2022, received £1,000 from Bewdley Festival Limited, St George's Hall, Load Street, Bewdley DY12 2EQ, for speaking at a local book festival. Hours: 2 hrs. (Registered 08 November 2022)",10057ffd,2023-05-30,,uk.org.publicwhip/person/25364,43,2023-05-30-10057ffd-25364-0 2ab2beff9c3ad9fe09b28c7567b3d0f27a10b7c1,"2 November 2022, received £400 from the New Statesman, Standard House, 12-13 Essex Street, London WC2R 3AA, for writing a diary column. Hours: 1 hr. (Registered 08 November 2022)",10057ffd,2023-05-30,,uk.org.publicwhip/person/25364,44,2023-05-30-10057ffd-25364-0 ef75092b4922258266cf6a9ae57372e15fcf21d3,"Payment of £1,000 expected from Letters Live Limited, 4 Uxbridge Street, London W8 7SY, for performing at a charity event on 27 October 2022. Hours: 2 hrs. This fee will be paid direct to charity. (Registered 09 November 2022)",10057ffd,2023-05-30,,uk.org.publicwhip/person/25364,45,2023-05-30-10057ffd-25364-0 16c83b2dcc3195adbee87070c2e3230331a534f3,"19 December 2022, received £400 from Radley College, Abingdon, Oxfordshire OX14 2HR, for a speech delivered on 1 December 2022. Hours: 2 hrs. Fee paid direct to a state school in my constituency. (Registered 19 December 2022)",10057ffd,2023-05-30,,uk.org.publicwhip/person/25364,46,2023-05-30-10057ffd-25364-0 c8eff4c52e52a34ceed7ba0a12635076c3952e0f,"Payments from News UK & Ireland, 1 London Bridge St, London SE1 9GF:",10057ffd,2023-05-30,,uk.org.publicwhip/person/25364,47,2023-05-30-10057ffd-25364-0 9cf291f0ea4abe50cc1e5c5a23683dd8f3e6e9e4,"23 December 2022, received £2,700 for nine appearances on the weekly News Paper review slot between October 2022 and December 2022. Hours: 9 hrs. (Registered 17 January 2023)",10057ffd,2023-05-30,,uk.org.publicwhip/person/25364,48,2023-05-30-10057ffd-25364-0 822c539e3c3f367c2ca05d6ed6781f2d9b87051d,"25 January 2023, received £1,225 for four appearances on the weekly News Paper review slot between December 2022 and January 2023. Hours: 4 hrs. (Registered 15 February 2023)",10057ffd,2023-05-30,,uk.org.publicwhip/person/25364,49,2023-05-30-10057ffd-25364-0 458276f7abd9882c9df35ce1d98ac864372c8168,"23 February 2023, received £600 for four appearances on the weekly News Paper review slot in January 2023. Hours: 2 hrs. (Registered 03 March 2023)",10057ffd,2023-05-30,,uk.org.publicwhip/person/25364,50,2023-05-30-10057ffd-25364-0 49bffe9d6aa9247bf536d637dfb54cb1ea2d082b,"23 March 2023, received £1,200 for four appearances on the weekly News Paper review slot In February. Hours: 4 hrs. (Registered 27 March 2023)",10057ffd,2023-05-30,,uk.org.publicwhip/person/25364,51,2023-05-30-10057ffd-25364-0 a08984444891b8c36c589dbff305f0464d707211,"27 February 2023, received £588.61 from Public Lending Right, British Library, Boston Spa, Wetherby LS23 7BQ, for payments for previously written books being borrowed from UK libraries. Hours: no additional hours. (Registered 03 March 2023)",10057ffd,2023-05-30,,uk.org.publicwhip/person/25364,52,2023-05-30-10057ffd-25364-0 e979eacab92ca7e7b460471067825d50fdef3ee1,"22 March 2023, received £4,738 from the Authors' Licensing and Collecting Society (ALCS), 6th Floor, International House, 1 St Katharine's Way, London E1W 1UN, for use of previously published articles and works. Hours: no additional hours. (Registered 27 March 2023)",10057ffd,2023-05-30,,uk.org.publicwhip/person/25364,53,2023-05-30-10057ffd-25364-0 49086ee58508bc9c7760e05290e1dac7c6bea62f,"Payments from Guardian News & Media Ltd, Kings Place, 90 York Way, London N1P 2AP:",10057ffd,2023-05-30,,uk.org.publicwhip/person/25364,54,2023-05-30-10057ffd-25364-0 3e23da5ac5775119c27fbce43b45c21f9e40629b,"3 February 2023, received £100 for an article. Hours: 1 hr. (Registered 24 May 2023)",10057ffd,2023-05-30,,uk.org.publicwhip/person/25364,55,2023-05-30-10057ffd-25364-0 5cb6250148ac797c0a9730b7df0687ad2d67fe7d,"20 April 2023, received £175 for syndication of previously written article to another publication (Abitur Englisch Rheinland-Pfalz textbook). Hours: no additional hours. (Registered 24 May 2023)",10057ffd,2023-05-30,,uk.org.publicwhip/person/25364,56,2023-05-30-10057ffd-25364-0 898fc656fdf8b613a208cc3608cd67d27907392e,"18 May 2023, received £175 for syndication of previously written article to another publication (Abitur Englisch Rheinland-Pfalz textbook). Hours: no additional hours. (Registered 24 May 2023)",10057ffd,2023-05-30,,uk.org.publicwhip/person/25364,57,2023-05-30-10057ffd-25364-0