hash,item,category_id,category_id_label,date,member_id,member_id_label,person_id,person_id_label,sort_order,record_id fc33894f681f9421a7edfcf9f8660fe5b616cd9c,"2-3 September 2003, as a member of the All-Party Rail Group I was accompained by my wife on the group's visit to Doncaster, Immingham, York, and Whitby, sponsored by EWS Railways, GNER, Jarvis plc, Arriva and the North Yorkshire Moors Railway, who provided transport, accommodation and hospitality. (Registered 22 September 2003)",84642823,"Gifts, benefits and hospitality (UK)",2004-01-31,uk.org.publicwhip/member/1059,Iain Luke,uk.org.publicwhip/person/11059,Iain Luke,1,2004-01-31-84642823-11059-0 f8837c11bda661c612ec261ea38f60f425e9c6a9,"10 August 2003, as a member of the All-Party Parliamentary Football Group I took part in a Four Nations Football tournament in Cardiff. The tournament was sponsored by McDonalds Restaurant, who provided accommodation, hospitality and tickets to the Community Shield Football game. (Registered 22 September 2003)",84642823,"Gifts, benefits and hospitality (UK)",2004-01-31,uk.org.publicwhip/member/1059,Iain Luke,uk.org.publicwhip/person/11059,Iain Luke,0,2004-01-31-84642823-11059-0